
All our stores are equipped with offices featuring the most advanced technologies for prescription calculation, diagnosis, and the necessary measurements for all types of eyewear. With our method of refraction, anamnesis, and follow-up, we take care of the visual health of the entire family. Through our preventive approach, we monitor the frequency of your vision assessments and remind you of the need for an appointment every two years. Our staff includes optometrists capable of providing state-of-the-art optometric services – Optometry, Tonometry, Topography, Perimetry, and Orthoptics.

In contactology, we are continuously training and searching for new types of lenses and materials. We work with the most advanced factories in the world and maintain testing banks and permanent stock. As in other areas, we take a preventive approach and, after the initial adaptation consultations, recommend biannual check-ups for your ocular health and the condition of the corneal surface. In addition to providing intensive training to our clients on the use, handling, and maintenance of contact lenses, we also provide guides for you to have at home, covering any issues related to your contact lenses.

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